19 Month Old Sleep Schedule

19 Month Old Sleep Schedule

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19 Month Old Nap Schedule:

Your baby will likely now be down to one 2-hour nap a day. When this transition to one nap occurs, be sure to offer your baby plenty of quiet time during the day so they can ease into this new landscape of sleep – mellow periods of time can be very restorative. For the first week or two, as baby makes the change to one nap a day, you can try laying them down 30-minutes earlier than usual for their afternoon nap, which might give them the extra sleep them need to make it through the day with minimal fussiness.

19 Month Old Feeding Schedule:

Your baby is likely a big fan of solid foods by this time. It’s fine for them to be drinking cow’s milk, but they shouldn’t be consuming more than 20 ounces each day. If they’re wanting more than that, it might be an indication that they need more solid food, which should be their main source of nutrition. 3 meals a day should now be the norm for your baby, and you’re likely learning more and more about their flavor and texture preferences. Take advantage of opportunities for fun exploration during this time by exposing your baby to new foods.

How Long Should A 19 Month Old Sleep?

At this age, your baby will likely be sleeping about 2 hours during the day, and 11 to 12 hours at night. Nightmares may be a not so fun development during this time, in addition to a fear of the dark. Nightlights can help to soothe baby’s fears. Try to find a nightlight that puts off enough light to gently illuminate the room, without being too bright or distracting.

It’s best to hold off from moving your baby into a toddler bed at this age, as their crib is likely their safe and familiar haven, and allows for a positive family-baby relationship.

19 Month Schedule


6:30 AM

We recommend combining milk and breakfast at this age, especially if you're into the idea of including your little one in your family's breakfast. Get ready for a big meal!


7:30 AM

Creativity always wins with this age when it comes to food, and your baby will appreciate it especially for this solid breakfast! Try feeding your little one foods like oatmeal, scrambled eggs, toast fingers with butter or avocado, roasted cherry tomatoes, or even whole wheat pancakes with blueberries!

Snack (Optional)

10:00 AM

Your baby might be hungry for a small snack — keyword, small! Don't let it get in the way of lunch.


12:00 PM

A variety of textures and flavors are great for your baby at this time, especially during this solid lunch. They'll be feeding themself more and more, as they learn to do things for themself with each day. Lunch may be served a bit later now that they've solidly transitioned to one nap.

Nap time

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Naps should last no longer than 2 hours. Try to have them asleep between these hours.

Milk Feed

2:30 PM

There's still some day left, and after a nap, your baby will be ready for some milk!

Snack (Optional)

4:00 PM

A baby-sized snack for your baby will help tide them over until dinner. Light and portable is the way to go here, with easy solid foods like cucumber slices, strawberries, apples with peanut/almond butter, baby carrots, a handful of berries, a mini whole wheat bagel with peanut/almond butter, a clementine or a hard boiled egg, are all great options. Portable and easy to eat on the go is good too, especially if you're both out and about!


5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

A growing baby's gotta eat! They'll be feeding themself more and more, growing familiar and comfortable with a variety of textures and flavors.


6:00 PM

Splish-splash! It's time for a bath!

Milk Feed and Book

6:15 PM

This milk feed is totally optional, since your baby will be getting most nutrition from solid foods at this age.


6:30 PM

Time for bed. Sweet Dreams!


Note: These are general guidelines based on the recommendations of our pediatric sleep advisors. All babies are different and your child may not be able to strictly adhere to this schedule. Always use your best judgment as a parent when setting your child's schedule.